Velkommen til Studenterforeningens Bridge Club!

 Nďż˝ste spilledag:

  11 09 2024 - parkval 1/8 A 

 Sidste nye resultater:

 04 09 2024 -  Uordentligt Clubraad

 24 04 2024 -  Ordentligt Clubraad

 17 04 2024 -  parfinale 3/3 A B 


 Diskussion -Sidste 5 indlďż˝g

Studenterforeningens Bridge Club
Københavns Bridge Klub
Nordre Fasanvej 113
2000 Frederiksberg
E-mail: [email protected] 1551 konto nr. 1497669

 Studens bridgebibliotek

17 11 2017-Henrik Kruse Petersen

Vi har efter min mening det bedste bridgebibliotek i Danmark med hundredvis af gode bøger som alle Clubmænd og andre spillere i Københavns BC er velkomne til at låne. De eneste betingelser er,at man skriver sig på listen på siden af skabet og husker at aflevere bøgerne igen senest 1 måned efter. Det er en god mulighed for at blive en bedre bridgespiller, men der er også mange af bøgerne, der kan læses blot for underholdningens skyld. Alle vores bøger kan ses herunder. Har du selv bøger, du vil donere til Studen, så tager vi med tak imod dem. Henvend dig blot til oldermand Margrethe Rykov, der står for biblioteket.

Allen, David, The Phoney Club, The Cleveland Club System
Andersen, Niels & Boek, Jens: Bridge Quiz
Astermark, Arne, 1 klør systemet

Baldursson, Jon, Icelandic Precision (The Ice-Relay System)
Blackwood, Easley, Paly of the Hand with Blackwood
Bird, David, The Bridge Adventures of Robin Hood
Bird, David & Klinger, Ron, Kosher Bridge
Bird, David & Klinger, Ron, Kosher Bridge 2
Boeck, Jens, De røde knægte
Bergen, Marty, Better Bidding with Bergen vol.2
Belladonna, Giorgio & Garozzo, Benito: Precision & Superprecision Bidding
Bergen, Marty, Declarer play the Bergen Way
Bergen, Marty, Marty Sez ...
Bergen, Marty, Marty sez... vol. 3
Bergen, Marty, More Declarer play the Bergen Way
Bergen, Marty, More Point Schmoints!
Bird, David + Forrester, Tony, Secrets of expert card play
Bird, David, 25 Bridge Myth exposed
Bird, David, Bridge endplays for everyone
Bird, David, Bridge Squeezes for Everyone
Bird, David, Famous Lead and defences
Bird, David, The bridge adventures of Robin Hood
Birdt, David + Sarantakos, Nikos, Famous bridge rekords
Blakset, Lars m.fl., Den komplette lærebog i bridge
Boeck, Jens & Steffen Steen Møller: Meld moderne, spil moderne
Boeck, Jens & Steffen Steen Møller: Systemer og konventioner
Boeck, Jens, Bridge med quiz
Boeck, Jens, De røde knægte (2 styk)
Boehm, Augie: Big Deal
Boekhorst, Andre, The 2nd Bols book of bridge tips
Brock, Sally, Suit Combinations

Carstensen, Svend, Bridgens Bedste (2styk)
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhonda, All about Acol
Cohen, Ben & Lederer, Rhonda, Your Lead, Partner
Cohen, Larry, Following the Law
Crowhurst, Eric & Kambites, A, Understanding Acol
Culbertson´s, Contract Bridge Complete
Culbertson, Ely, Kontraktbridge blaa bog (2 styk)
Coffin, George S: Contract Bridge for 3
Cohen, Larry + Davis, Liz, Bridge below the belt
Cohen, Larry, Bidding Challenge
Cohen, Larry, Bjuda över eller inte bjuda över (Loven ...)
Cohen, Larry, Following the Law
Courtney, Michael, Play bridge with Tim Seres
Culbertson,Ely: Livet er trumf (2 styk)

Dahl, Flemming: Dansk Bridge Standard
Dahl, Flemming: Grundbog I Dansk Bridge Stadard
Dam, Villy, Bridgevejen 1,2,3 og lærervejledning
Dam, Villy, Mestrene 99
Dam, Villy: Acol for begyndere
Daniels, David, The Golden Age of Contract Bridge
Darvas, Robert & Hart, N d V, Right through the Pack – 4 styk i alt på engelsk. Dertil 2 i svensk udgave.
Darwen, Hugh, Bridge Magic
Dentu, José Le, Championship Bridge
Dam, Villy: Lærervejledning til Acol for begyndere
Danmarks Bridgeforbund: 20 uheld ved bridgebordet
Dithmer, Alfred, Jarlen pĂĄ Bridgerejse
Ditmer, Alfred, Jarlen af Es, 6 og hr. Lahrsen fra B-rækken
Dormer, Albert, The new complete book of bridge

Eber, Patty & Freeman, Mike: Have I got a story for you!
Elsner, Don von: Bridge Cruise
Elsner, Don von: The Ace of Spies
Elsner, Don von: The best of Jake Winkman
Elsner, Don von: The Jack og Hearts
Emery, Sue, No passing fancy, (2 styk)
Ewen, Robert, Opening Leads (2 styk)
Ewen, Robert, Preemptive Bidding
Enevoldsen, Jens, 200 bridgeopgaver
Enevoldsen, Jens: 200 Bridgeopgaver (2 styk)
Ewen, Bob + Rubens, Jeff, It is all in the game

Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie, Match your skill against the masters
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie, Tiger bridge revisited
Flint, Jeremy, Bridge with The Times
Flint, Jeremy, The winning Edge
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie, Bridge in the Looking-Glass
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie, Match your Skills against the Masters
Flint, Jeremy & North, Freddie, Tiger Bridge, the Game at the Top
Flodquist, Sven-Olov, Morots-klövern
Fox, G.C.H., The Daily Telegraph Book of Bridge
Fox, G.C.H., The Second Daily Telegraph Book of Bridge
Francis & Truscott & Francis, The Official Encyclopedia of Bridge
Flodqvist, Sven-Olov: Morotsklövern
Folkersen, Skæbnens spil - spillets skæbne
Forrester, Tony + Senior Brian, Over your shoulder (2 styk)
Fox-Sheinwold, Patricia: Husbands and other men I’ve played with

Gardener, Nico & Boeck, Jens: Modspillet I bridge
Goren, Charles H., 100 Challenging Bridge Hands
Goren, Charles H., Bridgespillerens hvem, ved, hvad
Goren, Charles H., Championship Bridge
Goren, Charles H., Gorens store bridgebog, 3 styk
Goren, Charles H., On Play and Defence
Goren, Charles H., Precision System
Goren, Charles H., Settles the Bridge Arguments, 2 styk
Gardener, Nico & Boeck, Jens: Spil Bridge
Garozzo, Benito & Yallouze, Leon, The Blue Club, (2 styk)
Gooden, George + Thomas, Frank, Sherlock Holmes - Bridge Detective
Goodwin, Jude: Table Talk
Goren, Charles, Gorens store bridgebog
Goren, Charles: Kontraktbridge i lommeformat
Greenwood, David, The Pairs Game
Griffiths, J.N.R., The Golden Years of Bridge
Goren, Charles: Vind med Goren
Granovetter, Matthew: The Bridge team Murders Granowetter, Mathew & Pamela, The best of Bridge Today Digest
Greenberg, Sherry: Mixed Deal

Hall, Burt + Rose-Hall, Lynn, How the Experts Win at Bridge
Halle, R: Familien Iversen ved bridgebordet
Hamman, Bob, At the Table - My Life and Times (2 styk)
Harrison- Gray, M., Country Life Book of Bridge
Hayden, Dorothy, Winning Declarer Play
Heijkenskjöld, G., Rätta buden till bästa kontrakt
Herseth, W.B., Forsvarsmeldinger i Bridge (norsk)
Hoffmann, Martin, Defence in Depth
Horton, Sally, Double Trouble
Hulgaard, Johs &Voigt, Axel, Spil Acol
Hardy, Max, Standard Bridge bidding for the 21st century
Hoffman, Martin & Granovetter, Mathew
Horton ,Mark, Misplay the hands with me
Horton ,Mark, The Hands og time
Horton, Mark + Cleef, Jan van, The mysterius multi
Horton, Mark + Kielbasinski, Radoslaw, The Bridge Magicians

Jannersten, Eric + Wohlin, Jan, Vinnande partävlingsteknik (2 styk)
Jannersten, Eric, All Slags Skvis (2 styk)
Jannersten, Eric, Avancerad Precision
Jannersten, Eric, Boken om skvis, 2 styk
Jannersten, Eric, Enda chanson, 2 styk
Jannersten, Eric, Finn Felet (2 styk)
Jannersten, Eric, Kortläsning – 1. udg. og 2. omarbejdede udg.
Jannersten, Eric, Med Ă–ppna Kort
Jannersten, Eric, Precision Bridge (2 styk)
Jannersten, Eric, Slam teknik
Jannersten, Eric, Vi spelar tävlingsbridge
Jannersten, Eric & Barrow, R, Cards on the Table (2 styk)
Jannersten, Eric & Wohlin, Jan, Play safe & Win
Jannersten, Eric & Wohlin, Jan, Med all Säkerhet
Jassem, Krysztof, A modern version of polish club
Jayaram, R, Momenth of Truth at the Bridge Table
Jeronimidis, Elena, Bedside Book of Bridge
Jeronimidis, Elena, The Bridge Plus Annual (2 styk fra forskellige ĂĄr)
Johnson, Bertil G., Defensiv budgivning
Johnson, Bertil G., Saknade poäng, 2 styk
Johansen, Torben, Bridgespillerens ABC

Kaalund-Jørgensen, Otto: Bridgens Luner
Kantar, Eddie, A Treasury of bridge tips
Kantar, Eddie, Classic Kantar
Kantar, Eddie, Roman Keycard Blackwood
Kantar, Eddie, Take all your chances at bridge (2)
Kantar, Eddie, Topics in Declarer Play at Bridge
Kantar, Edwin B., Test your Bridge Play (2 styk)
Kantar, Edwin B. & Stanley, Jackson Gamesman Bridge
Kantar,Eddie: The best of Eddie Kantar
Kaplan, Edgar, Winning Contract Bridge Complete (2 styk)
Kaplan, Edgar: How to Play, How to Win
Karpin, Fred L., Bridge Strategy at Trick One
Karpin, Fred L., How to Play Slam Contracts, (4 styk)
Karpin, Fred L., Psychological Strategy in Bridge
Karpin, Fred L., The Art of Card Reading at Bridge
Karpin, Fred L., The Finesse
Karpin, Fred L., Winning Play in Contract Bridge
Karpin, Fred L., Winning Play in Tournament and Duplicate Bridge
Kay, Norman et al., Dublicate Bridge
Kearse, Amalya, Bridge Conventions Complete
Kelsey, Hugh W., 101 Bridge Maxims
Kelsey, Hugh W., Advanced Play at Bridge
Kelsey, Hugh W., Bridge: Spil og modspil fra A til Z
Kelsey, Hugh W., Bridge: The Mind of the Expert
Kelsey, Hugh W., Challenge Match
Kelsey, Hugh W., Double Squeezes
Kelsey, Hugh W., How to improve your Bridge (2 styk)
Kelsey, Hugh W., Improve your Partners Defence
Kelsey, Hugh W., Killing Defence at Bridge (I alt 4 styk)
Kelsey, Hugh W., Logical Bridge Play
Kelsey, Hugh W., Maskar (svensk, betyder knibninger)
Kelsey, Hugh W., Match-Point Bridge (3 styk)
Kelsey, Hugh W., More Killing Defence at Bridge, 2 styk
Kelsey, Hugh W., Slambidding
Kelsey, Hugh W., Simple Squeezes
Kelsey, Hugh W., Strip-Squeezes
Kelsey, Hugh W., Test Your Match Play
Kelsey, Hugh W., Test your Pairs Play
Kelsey, Hugh W., Test Your Percentages
Kelsey, Hugh W., The Needle Match
Kelsey, Hugh W., The Tough Game
Kelsey, Hugh W., Triple Squeezes
Kelsey, Hugh W., Trumfkontrol
Kelsey, Hugh W., Winning Card Play
Kelsey, Hugh W. & Glauert, M, Bridge Odds for Practical Players
Kelsey, Hugh W. & Matheson, J, Improve your Opening Leads
King, Phillip & Robert, Contract Killers
King, Phillip & Robert, The Kings´Tales
Klinger, Ron, World Championship Pairs Bridge
Karpin, Fred L, How to play slam contracts
Karpin, Fred L: Psychological Strategy in Contract Bridge
Kelsey, Hugh + Glauert, Michael, Bridge odds for practical players
Kelsey, Hugh + Glauert, Michael, Bridge-odds
Kelsey, Hugh, Bridge for the connoisseur
Kelsey, Hugh, Forbindelseslinier
Kelsey, Hugh, Kelsey on Squeeze play (2 styk)
Kelsey, Hugh, Spil og modspil fra A til Z
Kelsey, Hugh, Test your finessing
Kelsey, Hugh, Test your Trump Control
Kelsey, Hugh, Trumfkontrol
Kelsey, Hugh, Winning Card Play
Kelsey, Hugh: Deceptive Plays in Bridge
Kelsey, Test your communications
King, Phillip and Robert, Contract Killers
King, Phillip and Robert, The Kings new tales
Klinger, Ron, 50 more winning tips
Klinger, Ron, Vinderbridge stik for stik ...

Laderman, Julian, A bridge to simple squeezes
Lawrence, Mike, Bidding quizzes 1
Lawrence, Mike, Dynamic defence (2styk)
Lawrence, Mike, Falsecards (2 styk)
Lawrence, Mike, Hand evaluation in Contract Bridge
Lawrence, Mike, How to Read Your Opponents Cards (2 styk)
Lawrence, Mike, Judgment at Bridge
Lawrence, Mike, Spela Bridge med en Världsmästere
Lawrence, Mike, Värdera din Hand
Lawrence, Mike, Play bridge with Mike Lawrence
Lawrence, Mike, The complete book on overcalls
Lawrence, Mike: The complete book on overcalls
Lindkvist, Magnus & Wirgren, Anders, Modern Standard del 2 og del 3
Lundby, Ib, Bridge Ă  la Carte, ca. 10 styk
Lundby, Ib, BridgeĂĄrbogen 1983 (2 styk)
Le Dentu, Jose, Championsship Bridge
Lederer, Rhoda: Acol-ites quiz
Lindkvist, Magnus, Bridge classic and modern conventions
Lukacs, Paul + Rubens, Jeff, Test your play as declarer, vol 2
Lundby, Ib, Bridge a la carte (Bali)
Lundby, Ib, Bridge a la carte (Florida)

MacKinnon, Robert, Bridge, Probability & Information
Magee, Bernard, Bridge Quiz Book
Mahmood, Zia, Play Bridge with Zia
Mahmood, Zia + Burn, David, Around the world in 80 hands
Markus, Rixi, Common Sense Bridge (2 styk)
Markus, Rixi: Bridge table tales
Markus, Rixi; Aces and places
Matula, Greg, The Polish Club
Maugham, Somerset et al, 13 Great Bridge Stories
Midsem, A., Spillet I bridge
Miller, Richard A., Bridge Brilliance & Blunders
Mollo, Victor, Bridge Ă  la Carte
Mollo, Victor, Bridge Basics and Beyond
Mollo, Victor, Bridge in the Fourth Dimension
Mollo, Victor, Bridge in the Menagerie
Mollo, Victor, Bridge Saga
Mollo, Victor, Bridgepsykologi (og 2 styk pĂĄ engelsk)
Mollo, Victor, Case for the defence
Mollo, Victor, Destiny at Bay
Mollo, Victor, Instant Bridge
Mollo, Victor, You need never lose at Bridge
Mollo, Victor & Jannersten, E, The Best of Bridge
Mollo, Victor & Nielsen, A.J, Defence at Bridge (2 styk)
Mollo, Victor + Gardener, Nico, Card Play technique
Møller, Steen, 100 danske mesterspil i bridge (2 styk)
Mollo, Victor, Succes at Bridge
Mollo, Victor, The Hog takes to Precision
Mollo, Victor: Lær bedre bridge
Morehead, Albert H., Morehead on Bidding

Neumann, Arno, Auktionsbridge
Nevald, C.E.: Kontraktbridge
Nicholson, Joyce, Why Women lose at Bridge
Nielsen, Aksel J., Eventyrbridge (3 styk)
Nielsen, Aksel J., Modspillet (3 styk)
Nielsen, Aksel, Brideg With The Three Musketeers
Nilsland, Mats, Modern Bridge Standard
Nilsland, Mats, Strong Club – the Scanian Way
Nilsland, Mats, System och Konventioner
North, Freddie, Aunt Agatha Plays Tournament Bridge
Novrup, Svend, Bridge for turneringsspillere
Novrup, Svend, Med jokeren ved Bridgebordet
Novrup, Svend, Sådan bliver du klubmester – hold (2 styk)
Novrup, Svend, SĂĄdan bliver du klubmester - par (2 styk)
Nilsland, Mats: Absolute Doubles – the Scanian Way
Novrup, Svend, Bogen om bridge
Novrup, Svend, Bridge - Gyldne overtræk
Novrup, Svend, Bridge for turneringsspillere (2 styk)
Novrup, Svend, Højt humør ved bridgebordet
Novrup, Svend, Julekalender for bridgespillere
Novrup, Svend, Politikens Bridgebog
Novrup, Svend, Spøg og skæmt for bridge-elskere
Novrup, Svend: En vejledning for begyndere i moderne Goren
Novrup, Svend: Kortspil for to
Novrup, Svend: Studenterforeningens Bridge-Club 1928 – 2003

Ostrow, Albert A., The Bridge Players Bedside Companion
Ottlik, GĂ©za & Kelsey, H, Adventures in Card Play (4 styk)

Parson, Donald, Fall of the cards
Pottage, Julian, Clues from the Bidding (2 styk)
Powell, Richard: Tickets to the devil
Priebe, Jim, Takeout Double
Priebe, Jim: Double Elimination

Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert: Spilleteknikken I bridge
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert, The Complete Book of Bridge (2 styk)
Reese, Terence & Kantar, Eddie, Defend with your life
Reese, Terence & Trézel, Roger, Elimination play in Bridge
Reese, Terence & Trézel, Roger: Spil”safe” I bridge
Reese, Terence & Trézel, Roger, Fald dog fra i Bridge
Reese, Terence & Trézel, Roger, Those Extra Chances in Bridge
Reese, Terence + Bird, David, Doubled and Venerable
Reese, Terence + Hoffman, Martin, Play it again, Sam
Reese, Terence + Pottage, Jaulian, Positive defence
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Blocking and unblocking plays in bridge (2styk)
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Elimination play in bridge
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Master the odds in bridge
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Safety plays in bridge
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Snares and swindles in bridge
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, The art of defence in bridge (2 styk)
Reese, Terence + Trézel, Roger, The Mistakes you make at bridge
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, Those exstra chances in bridge (2 styk)
Reese, Terence + Trezél, Roger, When to duck, when to win in bridge
Reese, Terence + Trézel, Roger: Ærlig svindel i bridge (2 styk)
Reese, Terence, Bridge Conventions, Finesses and Coups (2 styk)
Reese, Terence (edited by) Bridge tips from the Masters
Reese, Terence, Bridge for Ambitious Players
Reese, Terence, Brilliancies and Blunders in the European Bridge Championship (1991)
Reese, Terence, Drilagtige bridgespil (2 styk)
Reese, Terence, Master Play in Contract Bridge (2styk)
Reese, Terence, Play these Hands with me
Reese, Terence, Practical Bidding and Practical Play
Reese, Terence, Reeese on Play (2 styk)
Reese, Terence, Squeezeplay made easy
Reese, Terence, Story of an Accusation
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Acol in the 90s
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Bridge the Modern Game
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Cardinal Sins
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Divine Intervention
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Doubled and Venerable
Reese, Terence & Bird, David, Unholy Tricks
Reese, Terence & Dormer, Albert, Bridge for Tournament Players
Reese, Terence, Precision Bidding & Prcision Play
Reese, Terrence + Bird, David, Miracles og Card Play
Rexford, Ken, Cuebidding at bridge
Rigal, Barry, Breaking the bridge rules
Rigal, Barry, Test your Bridge Judgement (2 styk)
Robinson, Steve, Washington Standard
Root, William + Pavlicek, Richard, Modern Bridge Conventions
Rosenberg, Michael, Bridge, Zia ... and me
Roth, Alvin & Rubens, Jeff, Bridge for Beginners
Roth, Danny, Why Women win at Bridge
Rovere, Ernest W., Contract Bridge Complete
Roth, Danny, The expert advancer
Roth, Danny, The expert club player
Rubens, Jeff, Swiss Match Challenge
Rubens, Jeff, The Bridge Wolds Test your play
Rubens, Jeff, The secrets of winning bridge

Saunders, P.F, Bridge with my Granddaughter
Schuld, Frank P., The simple Squeeze in Bridge
Seabrook, Barry, Bridge, Expert Dummyplay
Senior, Brian, Bread & Butter Bidding , 2 styk
Senior, Brian, Clever Bridge Tricks
Senior, Brian & Elliott, John, The IPBM book of the 1991 European Championships
Saunders, P.F., Bridge with a Perfect Partner
Schmith, Marc, Man vs Machine
Seagram, Barbara + Bird, David, 25 ways to be a better defender
Senior, Brian: 2002 World Bridge Championships
Sheinwold, Alfred, Weeks to Winning Bridge
Simon, S.J., Vind I bridge (2 styk)
Smith, Nick, Bridge Literature
Stenberg, Alvar et al.,Bridge
Serba, Allan de, The Mexican contract
Sharif, Omar + Bird, David, Omar Sharif talks bridge
Sharif, Omar, Play more bridge with Omar Sharif
Sharif, Omar: Play more bridge with Omar Sharif
Sheinwold, Alfred, Bridge puzzles nr. 2
Sigfusson, E, + Poulsen, Kaj Tarp, Sebastian Knuhrr & co. - Den lange bridgerejse
Silver, David + Bourke, Tim, Bridge the Silver way
Silver, David, A study in Silver
Silver, David, Tales out of School
Silver, David: The naked bridge player
Simon, S.J., Vind i bridge
Slawinski, Lukasz: Introduction to Weak Opening Systems and Regres System
Sontag, Alan, Power Precision
Sontag, Alan, The bridge bum
Sowter, Tony, Leads in bridge
Stewart, Frank, Becoming a bridge expert
Sveriges Ungdomsbridgeförband, En giv for fremtiden (2 styk)
Swanson, John, Inside the Bermuda Bowl

Tait, Jimmy, Tales of the Club Expert
Tarp, Kaj, Præcisionssystemet
Tarp, Allan: Sandsynlighedsregning
Thomas, Frank, Sherlock Holmes - Bridge Detective Returns
Trezel, Roger, Elimination (Svensk udg.)
Truscott, Alan, Grand Slams
Truscott, Alan, The Bidding Dictionary
Truscott, Alan, The Great Bridge Scandal
Tarp, Kaj, Præcisionssystemet
Thuron, Paul, Bridge at the breakfast table
Townsend, Tom: Practise Your Two-suited Overcalls
Trezel, Roger, Elimination
Truscott, Alan: Master Bridge

Vancelette, Carl, The Elusive Masterpoint
Vinje, Helge, Det norske fordelingssignalet (Peter Lund)
Vivaldi, Antonio + Barracho, Gianni, Probabilities & alternatives in bridge
Voigt, Axel, Et meldesystem for turneringsspillere baseret pĂĄ Acol-Ă…rhus
Wang, Chien-Hwa, The squeeze at Bridge
Warburg, Johan, Den skandinaviske bridgeturnering, hæfte 2, 4, 5, 6
Watson, Louis, H, The Play of the Hand in Bridge
Webster H.T. & Calhoun, Philo, Who deals this Mess?
Werner, Einar, Femtio mästare
Wei, C.C., The precision bidding system in bridge
Werner, Einar: Den ultramoderna budgivningen I bridge
Winkler, Peter, Bridge at the enigma club
Wohlin, Jan, Markeringer
Wohlin, Jan, Motspelet i sang, 3 styk
Wohlin, Jan, Motspelet i trumf, 3 styk
Wohlin, Jan, Spelföringen i trumf (2 styk)
Wohlin, Jan, Slutspel i trumf
Wohlin, Jan, Utspelet
Wolf, Murray & Anderson, M, The Subtle Club
Wohlin, Jan, Spelföringen i sang
Wohlin, Jan, Spelföringen i trumf
Wolff, Bobby, The Lone Wolff
Woolsey, Kit, Matchpoints
Woolsey, Kit, Partnership Defence in Bridge
Woolsey, Kit, Matchpoints
World Championships 1979
World Championships 1981
World Championships 1982
World Championships 1985
World Championships 1986
World Championships 1987
World Team Olympiad 1984
World Team Olympiad 1992

Young, Ray, Bridge for Blood